Our Vision


Our mission here at Wooster Nazarene is quite simple…LOVING GOD, LOVING PEOPLE, LIVING TRANSFORMED - and the best part about this vision is that it is a continual process! As we LOVE GOD, we learn to LOVE PEOPLE, and as we do both these things we start to LIVE TRANSFORMED! And as we are being transformed, it just causes us to love God more, which helps us love people more…well, you’re getting the picture!


Our strategy is the way we go about loving God, loving people, and living transformed. We try to keep things simple around here, and it’s no different with our strategy. We believe that the corporate gathering is so important in the life of the believer, but also the individual gathering with God. As we GATHER together corporately, that allows for deeper connection and a stronger LINK between people as we come together in Naz groups and Pods, serve together in ministry, and just do life together. When we GATHER and LINK in these ways, it helps encourage us to THRIVE, which happens as we not only GATHER and LINK, but put spiritual disciplines into place in our lives individually as well. The three KEY elements for us are:





Underlying our strategy and everything we do are the values that we hold to be so true here at Wooster Nazarene. These values should underlay, or be present, in everything that we do. We believe these values represent who we are at heart! Our values are:







As with every other area of life, we desire to know when we are being successful. We at Wooster Nazarene want to know when we are hitting this mark that God has put before us. Now, success in the eyes of the Lord may not look like what typically gets defined as success in the world.

We feel that those are maturing in their faith will be GATHERING with other believers and God, GROWING through spiritual disciplines implemented in their lives, GIVING of their time, talent, and resources to God’s kingdom, GOING to reach and serve others with the Love of Jesus, and will be GENUINE (or real) with God and others! What we believe to be some important measures of someone who is LIVING TRANSFORMED and THRIVING in their walk with Jesus are:







Our MISSION, STRATEGY, VALUES, and MEASURES will help us to navigate what God is doing currently and where He is taking us in the future!


Pastor Nathan Ward

Senior Pastor

Pastor Joel Yates

Executive Pastor

Pastor Andrew Heller

Discipleship and Outlinks Pastor

Pastor Jeremy Stasiowski

Care Pastor

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