Hide & Seek Spring Session
April 9–30, 2025
Check-in Process:
At Wooster Nazarene we want to ensure that your children are safe and protected. Our centralized check-in area is for families who have children ages birth-6th grade. Household information is gathered as well as a photo of each family member. Upon check-in, each child receives a numbered name tag for the day. The adult dropping the children off will receive a tag with all their children’s numbers that will be required to present upon check-out. If the parent is needed during the service, a text message will be sent to your phone from our system.
Our Lil’ Sprouts classrooms are arranged by 1-year increments. Children will move to the next room when they have a birthday. Two exceptions are for infants who will be promoted to the 1’s class when they are walking well and the 6 year olds who will all move up to NazKIDZ together at the end of May.
Wellness Policy:
All of our classrooms are for well children. Please keep your child with you in service if the following symptoms are displayed within the past 24 hours: fever, diarhea, vomiting, eye infections, lice, non-clear runny nose, rash.
2-3’s, 4’s-6:
Volunteer Positions:
Our Lil’ Sprouts are led by a group of volunteers we call our “Serve Team”. This group is comprised of people who give of their time to lovingly create a place where kids feel at home. If you are interested in learning more about serving our Lil’ Sprouts once a month during one of the services you may contact Gail Wright at gailw@woosternaz.org.
Teacher: is responsible for overseeing the needs of the children in the room and preparing given activities that enhance the theme of the day.
Teacher’s assistant: will look for ways to assist the teacher. They are encouraged to engage with the children during playtime, assist during clean-up time, snack time and help maintain order.
Storyteller: will present the Bible story to 3-6 year-olds in a creative way that will be interactive and grab the attention of preschoolers.
Substitutes: will fill in for someone who is sick or out of town.
If you would like to volunteer with Lil’ Sprouts, please CLICK HERE to fill out an application form.
Does your child in Lil’ Sprouts need additional support on Sunday mornings? Click here for more information.