Single Adults 30+ living transformed together!

SALT at Wooster Nazarene

SALT (Single Adults Living Transformed) is focused on building a faith-driven community for single adults to connect with one another, serve together, and grow in Christ. Our passion is to see single adults age 30+ living out the mission of Wooster Church of the Nazarene, Loving God, Loving People, Living Transformed, as an authentic and connected community of Christ-followers who spread the salt and light of Christ throughout the community. SALT Gatherings are on the second Sunday of the month here at the church from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm.

Ways to Connect with SALT

Gathering At Wooster Naz

We gather for 1 hour at 11:15 am on Sunday mornings at the church. Join us for a time of fellowship and meaningful conversations.

Offsite Events

Sometimes, our gathering at Wooster Naz is replaced with a fun activity like bowling, mini golf, and more! This way, we can get to know each other in a fun and engaging way!

Service Projects

We occasionally have service projects where we serve alongside one another and make a difference in the community. Whether the project is big or small, we want to make an impact and love others in practical ways.

I Want to Join SALT

Does SALT apply to you? Click the button below to leave a note to the SALT team. We can't wait to show you what SALT is all about!

Shelly Rider

SALT Leader

Taylor Abel


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